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2018-7 Huapin officially started production, with RFID tag on pitch, off pitch and other production process capacity 华频正式开始投产,拥有RFID 标签 on pitch,off pitch,对贴等生产工艺能力 

2018-8 Unmanned retail RFID tags and tags of Court Archives in various regions of the country 无人零售RFID标签和全国各地区法院档案标签

2019-1 RFID tags for UHF Library UHF 图书馆用RFID标签 

2019-3 Chery Automobile anti transfer fragile windshield labe奇瑞汽车防转移易碎挡风玻璃标签

2019-5 Decathlon beverage RFID tags, at the same time began to have RFID tag data processing capabilities 迪卡侬饮料用RFID标签,同时开始拥有RFID标签数据化处理能力 

2019-7 RFID tag for Nike shoes Package NIKE 包装盒用RFID标签

2019-8 FAW logistics RFID traceability Tags 一汽物流RFID溯源标签

2020-1 Mars food gum Tags 玛氏食品口香糖标签

2020-1 Equipped with voyantic tag surance system, with RFID tag consistency performance verification capability 配置了芬兰Voyantic Tag Surance系统,拥有RFID标签一致性性能确认能力

2020-4 Intensive reading tags for banks 银行用密集型读取标签 

2020-5 Fragile Tags project for used cars launched 二手车易碎标签项目启动 • 2020-7 Fragile Tags for precious metal management of banks 银行贵金属管理用易碎标签


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